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We noticed that replies called out the viral tweets and identified the person in the photo as Gul Chahat, a transgender and TikTok star from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region in Pakistan. A reverse image search for the viral photo with the keyword as Gul Chahat led us to a Facebook page run by Chahat where she had uploaded the same photo on July 16. Gul Chahat Video Original Video Link Gul Chahat Video Viral On Social Media X Trending Now.W A T C H ð¢ ð C L I C K H E R EW A T C H ð¢ ð C L I C K H E R E Users identified her as Gul Chahat, a Tik Tok star from Pakistan. We looked for Gul Chahat's social media handles and found a Facebook post dated 16 July 2021, carrying two photos, one of which [-wATCH-]â Gul Chahat Video Original Video Link Gul Chahat Video Viral On Social Media X Trending Now Gul Chahat Original Video video took the internet by storm and amazed viewers on various social media platforms. Gul Chahat, a young and talented digital creator, recently became famous thanks to this interesting video. 20 seconds ago Lðaked Video Ayat Akbar Original Video Viral Video Lðaked on X Twitter Telegram [-wATCH-]â Ayat Akbar Video Original Video Link Gul Chahat Video Viral On Social Media X Trending Now [-wATCH-]â Ayat Akbar Êá´á´á´á´á´ Video ᴠɪÊá´Ê On Social Media Ë£ áµÊ·â±áµáµáµÊ³ [-wATCH-]â Ayat Akbar Êá´á´á´á´á´ Vide Gul chahat aw shekh YouTube # [-ð©ðððð¢ð¦-]â Gul Chahat Video Original Video Link Gul Chahat Video Viral On Social Media X Tr Gul Chahat (@gulchahatofficial) on TikTok | 206 Likes. 409 Followers. official.Watch the latest video from Gul Chahat (@gulchahatofficial). senhor. cale a boca porque todo mundo viu aqui ó que você fez. moça pelo amor de deus. ah você acha mesmo que vai me deixar falando sozinha né. há. cale a sua boca que eu não quero

saber das suas explicações não. chique como eu. nos servido e não aqui na sociedade querendo se comunicar com a gente. será que você não entende isso não. meu bolo e agora o que que eu vou fazer. já pashto talk new video da gul chahat umraha gul chahat tiktok star new video viral#pashtotalk